UK home-owners pay the highest property taxes
“Taking care of the unloved: Reforming
the tax on immovable property”
Bizarre title! On this blog at any rate certain kinds of ‘tax on immovable property’ are loved and cherished! We love Land Value Tax or Plot Price Charge as I prefer to call it!
This is an OECD economics department working paper 1205, produced in April 2015.
[OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
is a 37-member rich countries’ club, excluding Russia and China. It produces
high-quality research reports, which is the source used here.]
And here’s what the report shows about
property taxes:
Just in case
there is any doubt ‘GBR’ is the shorthand for us here in the UK. And GBR is the
clearly the biggest loser, with the highest property taxes amongst all
of these 37 economically advanced countries!
Let this be a
warning to all Georgists! GBR already has the highest property taxes. Expecting
LVT to yield fantastically higher amounts is wildly unrealistic.
But it is
also a blessing: There’s a lot of tax revenue to play with. British taxpayers
are used to paying more. Could the burden of tax be changed for the better?
Could moving
the property taxes around, changing the way the tax falls do something to fix the housing? Yes, but that’s
for the next posting.
The Economist
(Feb 2020) identified 3 countries where
‘the housing market broadly works’ — Singapore,
Germany and Austria. Singapore
is not in the OECD, but what of DEU (Germany) and AUT (Austria)?
DEU and AUT are both
pretty low tax regimes, as are the two countries either side of DEU. They are
SVN — Slovenia and SVK — Slovakia. I’ll have a lot more to say about these two ‘Slo’s
next post!
So does low
tax = housing market fixed? Some evidence here.
But what of
the opposite? High tax = dysfunctional housing market? Maybe. As well as our
homeland GBR, notice that JPN — Japan is also a high property-tax regime.
Full citation for this paper Blöchliger,
(2015), "Reforming the Tax on Immovable Property: Taking Care of the
Unloved", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1205, OECD Publishing, Paris,
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