Do we need another book on the housing market?
A BIG-NAME AUTHOR of Irish origin who writes for the Telegraph.
Liam Halligan really ‘gets it’!
The UK’s chronic housing shortage— how it happened, why it matters and how to solve it
(19 Nov 2019) London: Biteback Pub £20 or less hb
As a journalist Liam writes well in an easy readable style. He position has enabled him to grill important insiders — government ministers, captains of industry, bankers, civil servants, and many more. For his recent Channel 4 documentary ‘Britain’s Newbuild Scandal’ (July 2019) programme he’s even got out on-(building)-site and talked to both builders and home-buyers. His academic credentials are excellent as well (Warwick, Oxford, IMF, LSE).
So this is a great book on the crisis of the housing market. It goes beyond the usual ‘poin-and-sigh’ — listing all the deep problems and their dire effect on homebuyers.
He digs deeper to explain the underlying reasons WHY the housing market is in such a dreadful state.
And best of all, is the raft of policy suggestions aimed at fixing the market, fixing the policy mistakes of the past, and really getting a grip on our dysfunctional housing supply.